Michael's Fáilte

Welcome to these writing warmups, blatherings, rantings, meditations, perorations, salutations, latest and those on time, those narrative, declarative, interrogative, gollywogative and other outdated, belated, simulated musings, perusings, shavings and other close calls, with no disrespect intended, that's why no real names included whenever impossible to avoid the guilt that came in the crib for uttering something that would hurt or injure those in authority, being of everlasting servitude to all and sundry, having chosen the road not taken and the frost on the pumpkin long before the kettle turned black or the cat found its own tail fascinating,
Your humble servant, etc.

The island writes in fire and steam each morning on the pages of the sea

The island writes in fire and steam each morning on the pages of the sea
Lava Meets Ocean. Lynx, Starboard Side. Day 2.Early Morning, July 8 2006, Looking for Flashes off Chain of Craters, Big Island

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Giving up early

Some say don't. A sign of weakness. Come to find out, it's smart action, called listening to yourself. But what about the effort it takes?

You know, the effort, the work, the blood, sweat and tears, the little agro, the traffic jam on the way to the golden fleece, the major deal, the hassle, the fol-de-rol, the right old whatsit, the set-to, the pain-in-the-arse that's worth it at the end, you know, the end that never comes...

I mean, what about the time you really didn't want to but you did and then you became a better person——you know, win or lose it all, meaning, sleep, credibility, confidence, money and self-respect, just to become a better a person. Or would you rather be a couch potato? I suppose a famous memoir called Confessions of a Couch Potato would really sell at Barnes and Noble don't you think? Fast action there, all those bags of chips, maybe some ranch dip or to really spice things up, salsa, yeah! And then there's the world of the couch: all things must come to the couch, as Harry S. Freud once said. And there you are, giving it up for the cushions, the mites, the coulds, the TV remote, the crumbs and ancient raisins, once jewels from Cleopatra's famous barge——that's it, you're floating now——is it the Nile or the Zambezi? The Thames or the Mississippi?——Ah, just put your feet up and float away——or nowhere in particular.

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