Michael's Fáilte

Welcome to these writing warmups, blatherings, rantings, meditations, perorations, salutations, latest and those on time, those narrative, declarative, interrogative, gollywogative and other outdated, belated, simulated musings, perusings, shavings and other close calls, with no disrespect intended, that's why no real names included whenever impossible to avoid the guilt that came in the crib for uttering something that would hurt or injure those in authority, being of everlasting servitude to all and sundry, having chosen the road not taken and the frost on the pumpkin long before the kettle turned black or the cat found its own tail fascinating,
Your humble servant, etc.

The island writes in fire and steam each morning on the pages of the sea

The island writes in fire and steam each morning on the pages of the sea
Lava Meets Ocean. Lynx, Starboard Side. Day 2.Early Morning, July 8 2006, Looking for Flashes off Chain of Craters, Big Island

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Yellow Line

The Yellow Line

Grass grows down it
down the center line of this place
green tufts sprout from the faded ochre stripe
that separates our comings and goings it's
stretched out between us a cautionary tale
unwound from Pololu Lookout
all the way down Akoni Pule
and the rest of the story
running rings around our island
what else is left to say?

Days are even-handed too
alternating nicely with bed
pillow blanket and dreams without roads
cambered either side of the yellow

See how it clings to the black tarmac
by night shrinking by day expanding
cooling and warming up what we call
everyday existence as we rotate on our axis

You've seen no doubt the human nervous system
sans flesh and bones stretched out or better
an example our strands of DNA those spirals
laid out on the 3-D work surfaces of our imagination
since there's no table big enough
nor ether strong enough to keep us calm
as we consider how many times to the moon
and back the chemistry of information
will pierce its threads of phosphorous
hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon

Well so it is with the yellow line
neither stop nor go this archetypal
agreement is older more primitive
pulled from the flames and mixed
with a little water for one long
one-handed daub

Without end Amen
not to mention other god-like attributes
such as fractal squinting
on all fours a familiar position
as we study the ancient art of stripe
as it travels over and percolates through
every pebble, stone, puka, bump, lump,
serration, aberration in the jagged world
of the diminutive not a straightforward proposition

After all we see a yellow line
and say there it is but there it is
rather more than that
more along the lines
no pun indented
of the infinite
something we really
really relate to and
adopt wholeheartedly
if not egotistically

It is the yellow line after all
that petrifies us truly scares us silly
notice how we jerk back
when we inadvertently drift across
its profound illumination yes
it's the line we drew that frightens
holds its power over us
something inside us

But you know having set out like this
on my side of the sweet yellow line
I think it's worth saying we need
a bit more of this sort of thing
wouldn't you agree? That is
the ability to agree
silently without getting
in each other's way

This arrangement of the yellow line
single or double so simple
such low maintenance even
faded the truth of it is there
if not a little annoying entropically
(how annoying the fading of the line)
if we can do so much with so little
why don't we do so much that needs doing
so little bit more?

That's what I see
before me
when I see
a yellow line.

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